Bilingualism and Foreign Languages Office of the Italian Culture Section and the Ongoing Education Office of the German Culture Section are promoting and co-ordinating projects focusing on linguistic, cultural and employment integration for people from a migrant background. The following is a pdf listing the individual projects:
- Civic-language learning and socio-territorial experiences for a truly inclusive trajectory 2018-2021
- Handy Hands 2018/2019
- You are welcome 2018/2019
- Refugee integration project: "TAKING A CENTRE-STAGE ROLE AGAIN - 2ND EDITION 2018
- Consolidation of socio-linguistic and territorial integration processes. The Asylum Migration Integration Fund 2016-18
- 2014: Socio-linguistic and cultural inclusion trajectories
- Development of inclusive socio-linguistic and cultural inclusive practices. European Integration Fund 2013/14
- Development launch for an inclusive socio-linguistic and cultural inclusivepractices model. European Integration Fund 2011/12
- Preparatory course for the creation of a network for those working in thelanguage and civic training for immigrants sector. European Integration Fund 2010/2011
- "Blühende Sprache - Lingua in fiore" per richiedenti asilo: formazione linguistica e professionale vivaismo (in German and Italian language)
- Lingua tedesca e cultura locale per assistenti domiciliari stranieri (in German and Italian language)