Buone pratiche per l'integrazione in Alto Adige

Già da diversi anni sono presenti sul territorio provinciale azioni e progetti a livello locale a favore dell’integrazione sociale, lavorativa e culturale delle persone migranti che hanno deciso di stabilirsi in Alto Adige. In questa sezione vengono presentate alcune buone pratiche con l'obiettivo di valorizzare le esperienze attraverso la condivisione, affinché possano essere replicate o fungere da spunto in altri contesti territoriali.

Il Servizio di coordinamento per l’integrazione fornisce un sostegno finanziario e informativo alle organizzazioni che intendono avviare azioni e progetti finalizzati all’integrazione dei nuovi cittadini e delle nuove cittadine e alla sensibilizzazione della popolazione autoctona.

Altri esempi di buona pratica sono presenti alla pagina "Migrazione e alfabetizzazione" e alla pagina della Commissione Europea.

Buone pratiche via email (iscriversi / disiscriversi alla newsletter)

Democracy Academy to enhance migrants' civic and political participation

The academy is organised by the Migration Policy Group (MPG), an independent think-and-do-tank based in Brussels. The deadline for applications is 29 September 2023.

As part of its New Europeans Initiative, a project dedicated to boosting the civic and political participation of people from various migration backgrounds, Migration Policy Group (MPG) is organising its first annual Democracy Academy. The academy will promote the civic and political participation of New Europeans – people of diverse migrant backgrounds in Europe, including non-EU nationals, naturalised EU citizens, people whose parents or grandparents were migrants, and EU citizens who have migrated within the EU.

The academy will bring together 25 participants to create a space for training, knowledge-sharing and networking. The selection process will ensure the participants represent diverse backgrounds and geographical areas in the EU. The participants will benefit from the experience shared by the Democracy Academy Speakers.

Eligible to apply are people of different migration backgrounds residing in the EU who have prior experience with political and civic participation can consist of experience in community organising, civil society or politics. Experiences at the local, national or international levels are all relevant. 

The academy will be held online via Zoom, with 5 sessions each lasting 3 hours covering specific topics already identified as relevant by New European themselves through interviews. The sessions will take place online on Thursdays, from 2 November to 7 December 2023, 13:00-16:00 Brussels time:

  • Session 1 – Welcome and introduction (2 November)
  • Session 2 – Evidence-based advocacy (9 November)
  • Session 3 – Organising for sustainability and resilience (16 November)
  • Session 4 – Mobilising and campaigning (23 November)
  • Session 5 – Participatory decision-making (7 December)

The deadline for applications is 29 September 2023. Applicants will be notified about the outcome of the selection procedure by 2 October. Learn more about the academy.